Thank you for your willingness to help with translating ASE into your language(s)!
Free Version of ASE – Start Translating Today!
We’ll begin by translating the ASE plugin (stable version) and the plugin description on (stable readme version) into the following languages:
- Chinese (China) – completed and ongoing
- Portuguese (Brazil) – completed and ongoing
- Hungarian – completed and ongoing
- Vietnamese – completed and ongoing
- Italian – completed and ongoing
- Dutch – completed and ongoing
- Korean – completed and ongoing
- German (Formal) – completed and ongoing
- French (France) – completed and ongoing
- Polish – completed and ongoing
- Norwegian – completed and ongoing
- Czech – completed and ongoing
- Spanish (Spain) – completed and ongoing
- Slovak – completed and ongoing
- Indonesian – completed and ongoing
- Portuguese (Portugal) – completed and ongoing
- Ukrainian – completed and ongoing
- Urdu – completed and ongoing
- Swedish – completed and ongoing
- Danish – completed and ongoing
- Arabic – completed and ongoing
- Romanian – completed and ongoing
- Turkish – completed and ongoing
- Persian – completed and ongoing
- Chinese (Taiwan) – completed and ongoing
- Albanian – completed and ongoing
- Spanish (Chile) – completed and ongoing
- Russian – completed and ongoing
- Serbian – in progress
- Bulgarian – in progress
- Other languages
How Do I Get Involved?
You will need to create an account on to take part in the translation process. Once you’ve created an account and are logged in, simply click on your language of choice above and click on either ‘Stable’ or “Stable readme”.
Once you do that, you’ll see a list of strings along with the proposed translation, and when you click on ‘Details’, you can see the translation editor as previewed below (click to enlarge):
As you can see, for the languages listed above, translated strings created automatically using Deepl have been added. Most will be marked as Fuzzy and some as Waiting. Click Details link on each string that needs improvement to edit it and click Suggest.
Pro Version of ASE
Once translation of the free version for each language are more or less done, translated strings will be carried over to the Pro version, and we’ll begin translating strings only included in the Pro version for that language.
Completed and ongoing (16 languages):
Chinese (China), Portuguese (Brazil), Hungarian, Vietnamese, Italian, Dutch, Korean, German (Formal), French (France), Polish, Norwegian, Czech, Spanish, Slovak, Indonesian, Arabic
In progress:
Urdu, Ukrainian, Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish, Danish, Arabic, Romanian, Persian
Would you like to help translate ASE?
Please fill out the form below.
- Chinese (China): @bricksvip et al.
- Portuguese (Brazil): Dennis F., denisgomesfranco, Denison C. and @ofmarconi.
- Hungarian: R. József G. et al.
- Vietnamese: Hoang N.Q. et al.
- Italian: Fabio P. et. al.
- Dutch: Toine R and Peter S. et al.
- Korean: @chazmlab et al.
- German (Formal): @markussss, Bastian S. et al.
- French: Stéphan G., @jeanfrancoisdelvin, @srossignol, @lucashw, @skippy43, @anlip, @agencefacton, @injsbx et al.
- Polish: @kosmity and Dariusz Z. et al.
- Norwegian: Alf O.F. et al.
- Czech: Jan S. et al.
- Spanish: @marcorubiol et al.
- Slovak: Dominik K. et al.
- Indonesian: @pakacil, Wawan S. et al.
- Portuguese (Portugal): Ricardo C. et al.
- Ukrainian: Irina et al.
- Urdu: Ayyaz A. et al.
- Swedish: Robert M. and Tor-Bjorn F..
- Danish: Morten E.L., Helgi P. and Kurt M.A. et al.
- Arabic: Mohammed J., Yaser M., et al.
- Romanian: Dan C., @ravishi et al.
- Turkish: @saeead, @serdaroztrk et al.
- Chinese (Taiwan): @gordon168 and Hedula.
- Spanish (Chile): @srgio.
- Serbian: Igor E..
- Albanian: @algertpateqi.
- Persian: @saeead et al.
- Russian: @sergey369, @pfgr et al.